Wellbeing as an innate state {with Helena Roth}

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In this episode of Relating to Self, I have a conversation with Helena Roth.

Helena Roth wrote the book Doing Gentle with an Edge and leads the project tankespjärn.
You can read her thoughts on Twitter.

Topics, resources, and useful links mentioned in the episode:
  • what does Relating to Self mean to Helena?
  • the sense of returning to Self
  • healing by getting out of your own way
  • what does that mean for trauma?
  • the voices in our head
  • who's in the driver's seat?
  • dependent, independent, interdependent?
  • how to find your tribe
  • asking for what you need
  • Helena's edge - tankespjärn
  • a challenge a day makes for a good day
  • the idea of cross-pollination
  • the difficulty of relating to self around and with others

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Wellbeing as an innate state {with Helena Roth}
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