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Displaying episodes 1 - 30 of 74 in total

Joachim answers Suvarchala's questions {turning the tables}

In this episode of Relating to Self, recorded on 26 November 2023, the wonderful Suvarchala (S02E15) comes back to ask me questions about how I relate to myself.Topics...

Joachim answers Bryan Kam's questions {turning the tables}

In this episode of Relating to Self, recorded on 25 September 2023, the amazing Bryan Kam (S03:E03) comes back to ask me questions about how I relate to myself.Topics ...

Skillfully constructing the self-world {with Nathan}

In this episode of Relating to Self, recorded on 27 April 2023, I have a conversation with Nathan Vanderpool, a father, a seeker, an artist. Someone who's striving to ...

Things that shape how we see the world {with Richard}

In this episode of Relating to Self, recorded on 24 April 2023, I have a conversation with Richard, a consultant, Sandboxer, and improvisation-enthusiast. Topics menti...

Relating to everything {with Anne-Lorraine}

In this episode of Relating to Self, recorded on 23 April 2023, I have a conversation with Anne-Lorraine, who really likes to thoroughly enjoy food to the last corner ...

Writing as a transformational journey {with Jessica LaMarre}

In this episode of Relating to Self, recorded on 17 April 2023, I have a conversation with Jessica, whose mission is to empower women as a purpose coach.You can find J...

Journaling as a consistent self-reflection practice {with Dave}

In this episode of Relating to Self, recorded on 17 April 2023, I have a conversation with Dave, a minimalist nomad who has built a journaling business.You can find Da...

Relating to the self as a group of individuals {with Steven Emery}

In this episode of Relating to Self, recorded on April 12, 2023, I have a conversation with Steven Emery. Steven is an intuitive artist and product manager. You can fi...

Resisting the pressures of life {with Will Curran}

In this episode of Relating to Self, I have a conversation with Will Curran. Will wears many hats and seems to have grown up with a healthy sense of self. How will tha...

Making sense of the world through the senses {with Imma}

In this episode of Relating to Self, recorded on 8 April 2023, I have a conversation with Imma, a sommelier who is inviting people to live in conversations.You can con...

Joachim answers Mary Bajorek's questions {turning the tables}

In this episode of Relating to Self, recorded on 17 January 2023, the wonderful Mary Bajorek (S03E05) comes back to ask me questions about how I relate to myself.Topic...

Story-based Desire vs. Erotic Aliveness {Joachim's Musings}

Joachim's MusingsIn these short-form solo podcast episodes, I share some of my thoughts, experiences, and insights.This week, I speak about Story-based Desire vs. Erot...

Writing from a place that both is and isn't the self {with Max Stossel}

In this episode of Relating to Self, recorded on 3 Feb 2023, I have a conversation with Max Stossel.Max Stossel is an award-winning poet, filmmaker, and speaker, named...

Redefining the meaning of success {with Renee Solana}

In this episode of Relating to Self, recorded on 6 December 2022, I have a conversation with Renee.Renee was a graphic designer and was burned out from that very high-...

Finding your tribe through the internet {with Theo}

In this episode of Relating to Self, recorded on 6 March 2023, I have a conversation with Theo.Theo comes from a career in finance and has pivoted to exploring a path ...

Discovering what is inside and following that pull {with Victor}

In this episode of Relating to Self, recorded on 7 March 2023, I have a conversation with Victor. Victor is in a transitional phase, learning more and more to follow h...

Striving to do good work and to feel good {with Andrew Rose}

In this episode of Relating to Self, recorded on 20 December 2022, I have a conversation with Andrew Rose.Andrew builds social structures, co-living places, a universi...

Cultivating Sweeter Self-Talk {with Priya Rose}

In this episode of Relating to Self, recorded on 9 Dec 2022, I have a conversation with Priya Rose.Priya is a community organizer and co-founder of Fractal. She's also...

Making a home of your own experience {with Tasshin}

In this episode of Relating to Self, I have a conversation with Tasshin.Tasshin is a bodhisattva (one whose goal is awakening, in Buddhism) and an online pilgrim who s...

Using joy as a compass {with Jessica Svenningson}

In this episode of Relating to Self, I have a conversation with Jessica Svenningson.Jessica is an art + tech innovator, digital transformation designer, creative busin...

The Self as a Fluid System {with Mary Bajorek}

In this episode of Relating to Self, I have a conversation with Mary Bajorek.Mary guides professionals through transition points in their careers towards feeling agent...

Holistic Healing and the Power of Nature {with Elena}

In this episode of Relating to Self, I have a conversation with Elena LakeElena transitioned from a career in mathematics and physics to bodywork, massage therapy, and...

Tolerating high uncertainty {with Bryan Kam}

In this episode of Relating to Self, I have a conversation with Bryan Kam.Bryan is a philosopher and writer, exploring the history of ideas, amongst other things. He h...

Relating to Self as a communal practice { with Richard D. Bartlett}

In this episode of Relating to Self, I have a conversation with Richard D. Bartlett.Richard helps people grow high-trust communities & decentralized organizations.He's...

Wellbeing as an innate state {with Helena Roth}

In this episode of Relating to Self, I have a conversation with Helena Roth.Helena Roth wrote the book Doing Gentle with an Edge and leads the project tankespjärn.You ...

On Beauty - an epistolary podcast experiment {with Bryan Kam}

This is a bonus episode that is not really about Relating to Self.My friend Bryan Kam and I have been experimenting with a new podcast format.An epistolary of sorts, i...

Joachim answers Mary Lemmer's questions {turning the tables}

In this episode of Relating to Self, Mary Lemmer (S02E01) comes back to ask Joachim all the things she wants to know about how he relates to himself.Mary Lemmer brings...

Relating to Self First {with Meg Pagani}

In this episode of Relating to Self, Joachim speaks with Meg Pagani who when relating to self sits with her Council of 12.Meg is an entrepreneur, speaker, and impact s...

Getting comfortable with the crap {with Ana Zarzosa}

In this episode of Relating to Self, Joachim speaks with Ana Zarzosa for whom success in relating to self means getting comfortable with the crap too.Ana is a yoga tea...

Community, Art and Doing the Work {with Asmaa}

In this episode of Relating to Self, Joachim speaks with Asmaa who relates to herself by slowing down and creating a supportive community.Asmaa Guedira is a Moroccon-b...

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