Joachim answers Joshua's questions {turning the tables}

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In this episode of Relating to Self, Joshua Keay (S01E07) comes back to ask me intriguing questions.

Joshua does some things in a different and peculiar way. When he craves change, he focuses on changing his environment instead of his mindset. He acts chaotically when the world is stable. Then he settles down when everything is chaotic.

Complement this talk with Joshua's essays at

Topics, resources, and useful links mentioned in the episode:
  • do I get angry? - how does anger manifest?
  • emotions and their expression
  • the inevitability of death and how to get comfortable with it
  • euthanasia
  • the meaning of life - creating meaning
  • the illusion of free will - "Behave" by Robert Sapolsky
  • attention as the most valuable resource - where to put it with intention?
  • creation vs consumption
  • my shift away from Art toward entrepreneurship
  • the verbs in my day
  • couraging - going towards resistance or fear
  • 5 seconds of courage to change your day
  • ecstatic dance - my relationship with my body
  • self-definition and how it holds us back - having the courage to be disliked
  • when I'd want to live in history
  • my favorite age to be

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Joachim answers Joshua's questions {turning the tables}
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