Making a home of your own experience {with Tasshin}

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In this episode of Relating to Self, I have a conversation with Tasshin.

Tasshin is a bodhisattva (one whose goal is awakening, in Buddhism) and an online pilgrim who strives to spread love, follow his curiosity, and empower others. You can follow him on X/Twitter.

Topics mentioned in the episode:
  • Spreading love and empowering others
  • Significance of bodhisattva vows in Buddhism
  • Telling a positive story about oneself and the world
  • About death and the value of life
  • Making a home out of moment-to-moment experiences
  • Finding purpose versus creating identity
  • Mathematics and its relevance
  • Relationships with others
  • Learning from people and stories
  • Importance of being present and kind to oneself and others

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Making a home of your own experience {with Tasshin}
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