Things that shape how we see the world {with Richard}

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In this episode of Relating to Self, recorded on 24 April 2023, I have a conversation with Richard, a consultant, Sandboxer, and improvisation-enthusiast. 

Topics mentioned in the episode:
  • The Impact of Language on Perception
  • Consistency of Social Interactions during COVID Lockdown
  • Introspective Relationship with Oneself Influenced by Interactions with Others
  • Altering Internal Dialogue to Promote Positivity
  • Advocating for Precise Language to Enhance Emotional Experiences
  • Transmitting Personal Meanings When Words Are Interpreted Differently
  • Accepting Impermanence and Cherishing the Present
  • Embracing Different Versions of Oneself Daily
  • Using Improv as a Mirror for Self-Discovery
  • Stepping Out of Default Behaviors
  • Shifting Towards Appreciating One’s Current Situation
  • Living a Resilient and Sustainable Life Through Self-Acceptance and Behavioral Change

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Things that shape how we see the world {with Richard}
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